Creating purpose for an award winning garden designer

adam vetere sat down

Adam Vetere

We met Adam Vetere, an award winning garden designer, at an Association of Professional Landscapers (The APL) Cluster Meeting earlier in the year - alongside a number of other members. At the meeting we had the opportunity to showcase our approach to helping businesses move forward - and we were delighted to get a call from Adam a few months later. By that point Adam had taken the opportunity to take stock of his business and its direction - and recognised that he needed support to define the next steps.

Adam had hit the classic ‘effort vs reward’ conundrum, and engaged our ‘external pair of eyes’ to support the development of a business strategy. It was important to Adam that throughout the process we ensured that his own personal needs and wants were balanced with those of the business.

As with many clients we work with, the first step to take, is taking five steps back !

And so, to ensure he had purpose, we worked with Adam to develop overarching Vision & Mission Statements that demonstrated exactly WHY (his vision) he had created his business, and ‘WHAT (his mission) he and his team do. These two statements provided Adam with clarity, and sat alongside a set of Values that would show ‘HOW’ Adam wants his business and employees to operate.

It has been an absolute pleasure working with Neil. He provides a high quality and extremely professional service which I was most impressed with. I will be using Steady Consulting again in the future and they come highly recommended.
— Adam Vetere (Adam Vetere Landscape & Garden Design)

We are really pleased with the positive impact that having this direction in his business has provided Adam - and we are really looking forward to supporting him further in 2023.

Stunning Garden

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